I am a *
Settings- Personal
Enter your name *
Must be between 5 and 15 characters. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Please use A-Z and 0-9 characters. No space.
First Character can't be a number.
This is your public profile, as users of the service can see it.
If you are a provider please include information about:
Professional background
Hours of operation
Special services
Educational background
You can edit this information later by clicking on the Settings
My Status
Indication about your status, Valuable for providers to let their patients know their availability.
Your online/offline status
"Invisible" means no one will see you if you are online.
colors of Online/offline indication ( little circle near your name)
Green - Online
Purple - Offline
Blue -Invisible
Please upload png,jpeg,jpg,gif,bmp formats
We will use a default icon if a file is not uploaded.
You can update this later.
For Providers Only
Must have a valid NPI number to be part of the free network of providers.
This name will show up when users selects your network. Example: "Dr. David Brown " or " The Spine Clinic".
(You can change that information later.)
Example: Specialty like :"Internal Medicine" or a slogan like: "We Care"
Please upload png,jpeg,jpg,gif,bmp formats
We will use a default image as logo if not uploaded.
You can update this later.
User Agreement *
Admin Only: Main Network Properties
Other Network Properties
Calendar & Visits
Enable Video in the DM between staff members
Enable Calendar Page
Enable Forms Page
Who can initiate Direct Message?
Forms and Records